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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Richard Simon, Duane Giannini, Robert Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Officers McGowan and Kullgren, six members of public, one member of press.  .


MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon,  the minutes of October 3, 2006 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (October, 2006). Overtime, Budget balances and GL Accounts were distributed. Fleet There was a third minor accident with fleet vehicles, one with two of the fleet vehicles. Personnel Officers Jacobino and Poole are in Phase I of Field Training.  Officer Nosal has completed FTO and is certified. Probationary officer Dingee is doing very well with good grades. Part-time animal control officer was hired for evenings and weekends.  Training The entire Department is involved in several aspects of training including Glock and M-4. Use of Force training will be held in November and HAZMAT in December.  Two Letters of appreciation were received.

Commissioner Simon moved to add to the agenda: 1. Review 15 MPH speed limit on Queen Street., 2. Request for stop sign at Littlebrook and Hemlock, and 3. Decrease speed limit on Boggs Hill Road. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (October, 2006)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report. DUI Checkpoints will include a holiday grant and checkpoints in the spring and summer.
Chief’s Challenge Award was presented to Newtown as one of only 11 municipalities in the state to be honored. The Department won a Harley-Davidson motorcycle which will be presented to Chief Kehoe in Orange by the National Highway Traffic Administration.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on recommending no parking areas and parking stalls on Church Hill Road Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. Attorney Robert Accommondo represents Michael Burton and Gordon Anderson property owners of 102 Church Hill Road, which is the property most affected by the loss of the four parking spaces on the street. He distributed “Lexstat CT Code 14-233” (Att A). He said it is not feasible nor prudent to eliminate these spaces. He said that per State Statute 14-233 a vehicle can only safety pass one vehicle because you have to be able to see that the vehicle(s) ahead of you are turning left. He said that removing four spaces is encouraging violation of the law. He said that the resulting 8 foot wide lane for right turns is 2 feet under the DOT regulations. He said that this area is designed to be a pedestrian area. Chairman Mattegat said that there is parking behind the stores. Commissioner Simon said that he observed that traffic has been backed up many times to the entrance to 84 when there were 2-3 cars parked in front for 20 minutes to half an hour. He said there were plenty of empty spots behind the buildings. Mr. Accommondo said that the parking spaces in the back are sub-standard. There were nine head in spots and Mr. Burton agreed to forego these spaces for an easement and for four spaces in front. Chairman Mattegat said that the parking was not discussed with the Police Commission, only the speed limit and the crosswalk were discussed. Commissioner Finnegan said there is long term parking in front and he never had a problem parking in the back. Commissioner Connor is concerned with creating another lane by eliminating the four spaces. Chairman Mattegat asked how emergency vehicles will get through if cars are parked in front. Mr. Accommondo said that when these spaces were eliminated we went below the zoning regulations and the compromise was the four additional spaces. Having no parking to allow for a right turn is creating an illegal lane and also this is in an area designed for pedestrian access. Commissioner Finnegan moved to table the matter until next month’s meeting. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Rob Manna, owner of LRM Landscape Architects, was hired by the Town of Newtown to install the streetscape in Sandy Hook Center. He removed the existing striping and restriped the area. There is no center line in the road now and he has not been paid for his work. He is concerned with the liability of the lack of striping. Chairman Mattegat suggested he contact Ms. Stocker, Director of Community Development. Chairman Mattegat said that Ms. Stocker did not come before the Police Commission with the parking. Chief Kehoe said that the State DOT and Regional representatives are working on the center line and that the Police Commission has no say in this matter. It is under the purview of the State Traffic Commission. Mr. Manna wanted to advise the Commission that this is a big liability for him.
Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on the stop signs at the intersection of Misty Vale and Alder Lane. Chief Kehoe noted that Lt. Mooney found that this area does not meet the warrants for a stop sign but that the sight line can be improved. Commissioner Simon moved that no action be taken on the stop sign. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on Dauti Construction LLC regarding Amendments to Zoning Regulations, Rezoning, and Site Development Approval at 95 & 99 Church Hill Road. Chief Kehoe noted that this application is identical to the previous application with the exception of the addition of one-half acre and three more units. Commissioner Simon moved to table the application with no comment and no action. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

15 MPH Speed Limit at the Middle School. Chief Kehoe noted that this speed limit cannot be enforced and should be 25 MPH. He recommended appropriate warning signs also. Commissioner Simon recommended that the speed limit in the area of the Middle School be increased to 25 MPH with appropriate warning signs placed in the area of the school indicating a reduction of the speed limit when school is in session. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Speed Limit on Boggs Hill Road. A resident requested that the speed limit be reduced from 30 MPH to 25 MPH. Commissioner Simon moved to place a “Hidden Driveway” sign at the north border of Boggs Hill Road toward Route 302. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Stop Sign at Littlebrook Lane and Hemlock Road. Chief Kehoe noted that Lt. Mooney reported that the area does not meet the warrants for a stop sign. Commissioner Simon moved to place a sign “Intersection Ahead” at the north shoulder at Hemlock Road. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.


Approval of meeting dates for calendar year 2007. Commissioner Giannini moved to approve the meeting schedule for 2007 with the amendment of the  July 3, 2007 date to July 10, 2007. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Considerations, discussion and comments on Pre-Application Review of Newtown Technology Park, Commerce Drive. Chief Kehoe will send a memo to the Board of Selectmen that the Board of Police Commissioners recommends approval of the plan as presented with the caveat that the Town work with the State to improve the intersection of Commerce and Church Hill Roads. Also  Commerce Road has a sharp curve that may need to be straightened out.

Considerations, discussion and comments on Update of Regional Transportation Plan. The Commission  recommends that the Edmond Road area should be the first priority and the traffic signal at Sandy Hook Center should be second. The Commission approves of the remainder of the Plan.

Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on Application by Highland HC, LLC remodeling of existing building with restaurant use at 121-125 South Main St., Newtown (Formerly Fireside Inn) Commissioner Simon moved that the Commission take no action at this time and will re-review the project at Phase II. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on Application by Schultz Family Limited Partnership for nine lot subdivision on 127 Walnut Tree Hill Road. Commissioner Finnegan moved to approve the plan as presented. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Consideration and action on the use of GL-187 funds for the DARE Program. Commissioner Connor moved to approve the expenditure of $8,574.00 from GL-187 for the DARE program for items including shirts, tour merchandise and a digital camera. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Consideration and action on conditional offers of employment to probationary police officer candidates. Commissioner Simon moved to offer conditional offers of employment to the top fifteen candidates on the list of “Newtown Department of Police Services Written and Oral Examination Results – October 2006:”
1.  John McCluskey
2.  George Heudorfer
3.  Robert Krider
4.  Michael Parrella
5.  Michael Nash
6.  Matthew Solanch
7.  Brian Durling
8.  Steve Borges
9.  Anthony Cuda
10. Anthony Palmisani
11. James Wichman
12. Karl Lewis
13. Kenneth Moore
14. Sharon Bloom
15. Kyle Poellot

Consideration, discussion and action on promotion to Detective.  Officer McGowan scored one point higher than Officer Kullgren on the detective’s exam. Chief Kehoe noted that both are excellent candidates for the position. Commissioner Simon moved to promote Office McGowan to the position of Detective effective November 9, 2006. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried. The Board congratulated both candidates.

Commissioner’s Participation (next agenda).  None noted.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:00  p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk